Objects of Love Artwork #1: Wooden Block by Indigo 11.50


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A keepsake is a kind of proof, and a promise between the giver and the receiver. Recently we have invited eight creative units to participate in making artworks for our feature story, More Than A Pledge, in our 2015 Autumn/Winter edition. These artists defined, in their own unique way, what their imagined keepsakes would be like, thus becoming this series – Objects of Love – which is now sold exclusively here on Obscura online store.

This wooden block is a one-off limited item, made by Indigo 11.50 (Hong Kong’s first natural indigo dye workshop). Their workshop is located in a quiet village inside a forest, shielded by mountains and sea. They advocate a slow and natural production method by using wood to light fire and collecting water from a nearby stream or sea. Here is what they said about this piece:

“The century-old oak piece symbolizes eternal happiness. Glued to its surface are small dyed wooden strips that are the by-products of indigo dyeing. It looks as if they help a relationship put on a beautiful coat without compromising its spiritual and natural qualities.”

Note: This wooden block is an artwork and for decorative purpose only. 

信物是個憑證,也是發送者與接收者之間的承諾。我們早陣子請來八組創作單位,參與創作Obscura2015秋冬季號專題《MORE THAN A PLEDGE》的作品,以各自的方式,勾勒出信物的輪廓,成為這一系列名為「Objects of Love」的藝術品於Obscura網上商店獨家發售。





Length: 8.5cm

Height: 3.8cm

Width: 6.7cm