Objects of Love Artwork #2: Terrarium by Quest Terrarium
A keepsake is a kind of proof, and a promise between the giver and the receiver. Recently we have invited eight creative units to participate in making artworks for our feature story, More Than A Pledge, in our 2015 Autumn/Winter edition. These artists defined, in their own unique way, what their imagined keepsakes would be like, thus becoming this series – Objects of Love – which is now sold exclusively here on Obscura online store.
This micro-terrarium design is a one-off limited item, made by Quest Terrarium, a specialist in plant art and design. Here is what he said about this piece:
“This miniature diorama was inspired by my epic road trip across America with my girlfriend. We took Route 101 from San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge up to Seattle in our rented Mustang. I've captured our memories in this little box.”
Note: This micro-terrarium design is an artwork and for decorative purpose only.
信物是個憑證,也是發送者與接收者之間的承諾。我們早陣子請來八組創作單位,參與創作《Obscura》2015秋冬季號專題《MORE THAN A PLEDGE》的作品,以各自的方式,勾勒出信物的輪廓,成為這一系列名為「Objects of Love」的藝術品於Obscura網上商店獨家發售。
這件苔蘚微景觀設計信物,限量一件,由專注於植物藝術設計的Quest Terrarium創作,他說:「這個微型的立體透視模型,啟發自我與女友在美國的公路旅行。開著租來的福特野馬,我們經過101號美國公路,由三藩市金門大橋駛到西雅圖。我把我們這份回憶都攫住在這小盒子中。」
Length: 26cm
Height: 26cm
Width: 9cm